The other day it dawned on
me that February has only 28 days. That means we are almost done February, and
if I stick to my guns about the “two posts a month” deal, I owe my blog two
posts in the next three days. So here is one of them… a few words and pictures
of my friend Lucio:
>>There are a number of people
that have made living in Guatemala an enjoyable experience. One of those people
is my buddy, Lucio. Over the course of the past year, he taught me a lot of
Spanish, a lot about the culture here, and a lot about my own life. Last Sunday
night I watched him get baptized, and publicly promise to serve God for the
rest of his life. And when Lucio decides to do something, he does it with all
that he has.
Lucio and Ricky… July 2013 |
I remember very well my
first encounter with Lucio. It was the morning of January 9th, 2013,
and I had just arrived in El Chal late the night before. I was walking through
the new school building checking out the work that had been done, and Lucio was
chipping away at a cement column with a hatchet. I shook his hand and he said,
“My name is Lucio.” I remember thinking that he seemed really friendly. This
was good, because at that point, I wasn’t completely sure that I even wanted to
be in Guatemala. I guess he just knew that I needed a warm welcome. A few days
later, I was painting a wall on the school. As Lucio walked by, he said, “Muy
bonito.” I just looked at him blankly. “It’s beautiful,” he said. “Oh,” I
answered, “Gracias!” That is just the way Lucio is. He is nice to everybody.
His friendliness obviously stood out to me, because I have not forgotten it
yet, and I don’t remember just everything.
"If you want to take the picture before we eat our cookies… hurry up." |
Lucio and I have made many
good memories since I came to Guatemala. Because of him, I have had many
experiences that I never would have had had I not had a Guatemalan buddy. One
of the more memorable ones was the time the two of us lived by ourselves in
Santa Rosita for a few days. It was over the time of “revival meetings” in that
town, and Lucio and I stayed in the old clinic, which is on the same property
as the church. During the four days that we were there, we prayed, cleaned up
the yard, swam, fished, taught each other Spanish and English, and talked. I
learned a lot of Spanish and Guatemalan culture in just four days. Another fun
experience was the time we went to Santa Elena together on his motorcycle. He
had to go to get some certificate or something for teaching school, and I just
went along for the ride. After seeing a motorcycle collide with a tuktuk about
ten feet away from us, a trip to the Megapaca (large thrift store), and some
quality chicken from Pollo Campero, (just as Howard Lichty if you need the
pronunciation on that) we headed home. It rained on the way home, and when
you’re traveling at 65 km per hour, raindrops just don’t feel very pleasant… they
feel more like you’re having a pellet gun war. The day was memorable if nothing
Dylan, Samuel, Me, and Lucio… very photogenic we are. |
We’ve had many more memories
together as well, but what really makes Lucio a good friend is his love and
faithfulness to the Lord. In February of 2013, he accepted Jesus, and has not
looked back since. I honestly cannot remember him ever missing a church
service. The past year has not always been easy for him. Accepting Christ has
meant giving up a lot and facing rejection from friends and even family.
Sometimes, it is hard for me to imagine what it feels like. Although I have
been a Christian longer than Lucio, he has already taught me many things…Things
about selfishness, pride, and dedication to the Lord. One evening, the power
went out during a church service in someone’s house. Lucio offered to go to the
mission van parked nearby and shine the headlights on the porch where we were
sitting. After about 15 minutes, the power came back on, so I went to the van
to let Lucio know that he could return. I expected to find him sleeping (cause
that is what I would have been doing). Instead, he was intently studying his
Bible. That impressed and challenged me, and it has not been the only time that
he has challenged me to live a life more dedicated to the Lord.
Lucio being baptized. |
Jason, Lucio, and I after the baptism. |
Seeing Lucio get baptized
and publicly promise to serve God until the end of his life was incredible. I
am proud of him, I admire him, and I know our friendship is one that will last.<<
¡Dios te bendiga, Lucio!